Monthly Archives: February 2006

Why MS sucks green jello

By | February 23, 2006

It alienates you, simply put. When you’re having a bout of exhaustion for weeks or months or eternity and a friend asks you how you’ve been doing or what you’ve been up to, how do you answer them? “Oh, I’ve been sleeping constantly” or the old standby “Watching the inside of my eyelids” You’ve been a lump and… Read More »

February is supposed to be warmer

By | February 23, 2006

Been hanging in there. Fluctuating between sleeping and being a manic with-it woman. What IT is remains a mystery but damnit, I’m with it. Cognition is also improved. Didn’t realize how “slow” I had gotten until things started coming back. Doing some web work is now an achievable goal instead of an insurmountable obstacle. Odd, but truly refreshing.… Read More »